Still Here, Still Quilting!

How have you all been doing? 

One of my quilt guild members let me know that I have not blogged since early December. I have been pretty busy folks.
I have been good. Quilting away as usual. Something so very exciting is also happening and I can't talk about it, so I have just tried to hide from the internet so I am not tempted to spill the beans. I figure if I am busy working I won't be tempted to overshare. Below are some of the custom quilts I have gotten to work on.

This first one is Merrie's. She wanted something different in each row and a different design in each triangle. This was super fun to quilt. Doing the same stuff gets rather boring sometimes. It was a fun challenge. She really likes pebbles so I did them in the most visible spot.

I used a gold thread to do the quilting.

This was a really cool one I custom quilted for Taylor. The blue part is water and the stained glass is breaking off into the water.

Taylor wanted it to look shattered.

And the water to look somewhat like map contour lines. I felt it should have a little bit of swirl.

Next up is Vivika's Quilt. Isn't this cute. I wasn't sure if it was "Oh, Boy" you had a male baby...or "Oh Boy" we are totally lost. I figured map contours would work in both situations. My boys love maps and maps help when you are lost.

Someday I will do a whole cloth quilt with just this map contour lines. It is really the best texture.

Here is Stephanie's quilt. This was another really wonderful quilt to quilt. I used Wool batting to make the quilting pop. Wool is the best batting.

So pretty. I used a ton of different color thread on this one too. I think that actually took the longest with this one. Changing out the threads between each block.

This back is so awesome! I even managed to match up the centers of the top and the back. Yay!

This lovely one is from Mary. We decided on lots of straight lines inside the blocks. Again I used wool batting. Let me tell you that wool batting and shot cottons = fantastic. I think I used 15 different threads on this one. I am getting good at the thread change.


I have also been making faces.


So many awesome quilts so little time!